The theme for this one was the Olympics, and the students get dressed up in costumes. We had kids in swimming caps, tracksuits and running outfits, snowboarders (even though it was 26 degrees that day!), curlers complete with brush, one of the biology teachers came in his normal clothes but carried around an ancient box of match play tiddly-winks all day (it is not contested at the games but is still an Olympic sport apparently). The girls who were running the day were in togas and olive wreaths. I always seem to be unable to plan non-practical lessons for the days the students dress up - I don't know how I do it! Costumes and Bunsen burners don't mix.
In the afternoon there is a special Spirit assembly, and all the sports teams come out and do a very cheesy dance to introduce themselves. Usually in the time that is left there are competitions. Last year there was a screaming competition, which one of the smallest girls in the school won. This year, it was a limbo contest.
As we left the house to go into school in our football costumes, and Will with blue hair (very spirited - school colours) we passed our new cleaner in the street. She had never met Will before, so I dread to think what she thought of the blue hair, or how we dress for school. She is so sweet, and she looked completely embarrassed to see us, possibly because of our perceived dress sense!
Another nice occasion at the start of the school year is the welcome barbecue. The management team buy lots of food and drinks and the kitchen staff come out from downstairs and we all have a big party. Well, that is the general idea anyway. This year there was a typhoon heading for Tokyo, so it all got moved inside. It wasn't really a barbecue after that, and it meant that people had to eat downstairs and then come upstairs to listen to the band and have drinks. It is still lots of fun, but because it was a whole family event, there were lots of over-excited children, and nowhere for them to run off to (outside there is a playground a little way from the main activities). When the band was playing they were weaving through our legs, picking up the tambourines etc and making as much noise as possible, and generally causing havoc. They had a fantastic time! We on the other hand, with their noise and the poor sound system indoors, couldn't hear ourselves or each other. The audience said we were good, but we have no idea! Fingers crossed for the weather next time, or at least a typhoon day. If it is going to screw things up, the weather could at least give us a day off school!
Random photo time. First Will, Ben and James enjoying the post-typhoon weather. It is always gorgeous the next day, so they went to the baseball.
The other photo is Will playing with Hana at the party.
The last picture was taken at a friends house. The baby is called Violet, and she just loves shoes. She gets quite stroppy at her Japanese nursery when she has to take them off. When She found Kate's pink stilettos she was very excited. I just love it!